Attendees: Arlene Green, Tony Videtto, Carrie Marie Vaughn, Joan Degener, Dale Grinnell, Coral Grinnell, Marty Burdick, Terry Barber, Maureen Barber and Carolyn OuderkirkWelcome and
Pledge to the Flag: Arlene welcomed the attendees and we all said the pledge. Thank you to Barbara Eagle for the donation of the flag and bracket. We have asked Marty to mount it when he has time and the library is open.
Secretary’s Report: Several members did not receive the minutes from the last meeting (Coral and Dale, Carrie Marie, Joan and Tony). Perhaps Tony can test different ways to e-mail them.
Treasurer’s Report: Maureen advised that we have $4,073.33 (minus the $2,020.00, of course) in the treasury. Maureen has a $400.00 check for Steve Wade for his work on the timeline installation. She also purchased stamps in the amount of $17.66. Maureen wrote out checks to Carrie Marie’s company in the amount of $18.00 for the domain name and to Carolyn for $49.15 for supplies. Dale made a motion to authorize these payments and Tony seconded it.
Charter: Arlene received a letter from the State Education Department dated April 9, 2019, advising that the Board of Regents approved our charter application. Visit the Regents’ website at and, under “Agenda Items,” view the link “Meeting of the Board of Regents” and select “Charter Applications…” to view our item. This letter will be placed in the charter binder upstairs in the north room. We will soon receive a formal charter document.
Timeline: Terry reported that the installation is complete. It is set properly with Item #4 packing material underneath. The base may be poured by this weekend. Steve Wade will remove the bracing and clamps shortly. Terry asked Steve about a roof for the timeline. Steve gave Terry an estimate for a roof in the amount of $3,500.00. However, they found that the surrounding trees should shield the timeline during the heat of the day. Steve suggested waiting for a couple of years to see what happens. Terry will monitor the sunlight’s effects this summer. Arlene reported that there is a similar outdoor sign in Northumberland which has not faded. She also emailed Drew Alberti who did not think that a roof was needed.
Arlene then called the sign company, Pannier Graphics of Gibsonia, PA, to ask for an opinion on a roof. A representative of the company advised that the Fiberglas sign is guaranteed for ten years against fading. She did not advise putting a roof over it. Arlene got a packet on the cleaning and maintenance of the sign, etc. This information will be placed in a binder upstairs in the north room. Carolyn suggested that we take a photo of the sign and send it to Pannier Graphics. Dale suggested waiting for a dedication photo.
Arlene asked if a thank you letter had been sent to the Town Highway Department men for putting down the base materials, as well for their time and the use of their equipment. A thank you letter will also be sent to the Rescue Squad for storing the timeline for us. Carolyn will send these out.
Arlene will ask Superintendent Moore about insurance for the timeline, whether it goes under the town’s or the village’s policy. Terry offered to contact Pannier Graphics to find out the value of the sign for insurance purposes. Terry would also like to be assured that the pocket park road will be plowed this winter.
Terry added that a semi had stopped at the pocket park and leaked a substance, thought to be oil, onto the blacktop. He and Steve looked at it and thought that perhaps a degreaser would help. Terry then asked Ken Steele about any seepage from the spill going into the concrete base. Ken is not worried about that.
Arlene asked about a date for a dedication ceremony, but it was decided that we will wait until the concrete pad is completed. Dale wanted to make sure that Drew Alberti would be invited. Arlene assured him that Drew does want to be here for it.
Terry asked if we could send thank you letters to Steve Wade, his two sons, Hunter and Dawson Wade, and a fellow highway department employee, Chris Wagner. Carolyn will do this.
Charles Wood Foundation Grant: Thanks to Terry and Maureen, we were approved to receive a grant in the amount of $4,955.00, for a concrete floor in the library basement. Terry is getting three estimates for this work. Supervisor Moore is putting together a list of the extras, including removal of the debris, the engineering stamp, etc. Joan asked about bracing up the flooring in the rooms above the basement. Terry will check into that issue. Maureen posed a question: If the Town accepted the check, is the board committed to finishing the extras? Arlene answered in the affirmative. The town has nine months to complete this project.
Per Barbara Eagle, we need to have some cement put down around the flagpole in front of the building. It is apparently wobbly. Terry will take a look.
Battle Hill Parade: Arlene asked if we would like to sell any of our mugs, pins, hats or books at the parade on July 5. Dale volunteered that he and Coral will be happy to set up a table at the library. He also stated that he can have many of Fred Stiles’ second book available for sale.
Carrie Marie got a message on Facebook requesting a Fort Ann book. She gave the information to Barb Winchell who sold a book. Arlene will call Argyle to see if we can get more embroidered hats, etc., since Rose is moving to Florida.
French & Indian War Re-enactment: On July 26, Dale and Coral will be at this event selling our items. Terry made a motion to let the Grinnells sell our stuff. Marty seconded it.
Garage Sale: We made $59.00!!!
Work Day: On May 28th, Arlene, Joan, Barbara and Dale worked on the documents, photos, etc., for the historical society files. Arlene asked if we should wait until the fall to continue working on the newspapers, clearing off the table upstairs and inventorying the map cabinet. Carolyn suggested numbering the map drawers and having a guide to them on top of the cabinet. Dale thought that the Fort Ann Post newspapers should be left intact and put in acid-free boxes. It was decided that we will wait until the fall to work on the archives again.
Local Signage: Arlene asked Dale if he had done anything more on the signage pointing to the waterfront park. He had not, but he spoke about the cast iron Halfway Brook sign which is apparently alongside the road near the pocket park. Update: We are a little worried because Dale and Marty went up after the meeting to pick up the sign. They are now on camera removing a sign belonging to DOT. We will be looking up visiting hours at the county jail just in case there is a problem.
Pomeroy Canal Signage Grant: Terry advised that he did not complete the grant because he spoke with Al Dunlop who told him about two signs close to the old canal, which explain the canal system. The southernmost sign is crooked, but Terry is hoping that it will be righted when the trail in the area is completed.
Website: Carrie Marie put pictures of the timeline on the website and they look great! She is doing a great job! She did say that she needs something for the “Research” link. Dale will do a brief write-up. Carrie Marie noted that if you go to the town’s website, there is nothing under Fort Ann History. She will speak with Barb Winchell about putting in a link to our website.
Public Presentation: Arlene wondered if we would like to ask Pete Bly to do a program on his experiences at the Grand Canyon. He was there for a year. Arlene will ask him for a September date. We may have to have the program at the firehouse or rescue squad building.
Annual Picnic: We will be having a covered dish picnic at the waterfront park on Wednesday, July 17, at 5:00 p.m. Arlene is providing a ham, what would you like to bring? Please email Carolyn ( with your dish so we will know who is bringing what. Coral is bringing baked beans! We will send out reminder emails a week ahead of the 17th.
Book Errors: Dale was told that there were errors in our book when he was at the Washington County building. Since he did the Church section in the book, he felt that he should take responsibility for the errors. He spoke about them at the last town board meeting. One error is found under the First Baptist Church of Westfield. The following sentence needs to be deleted: “Later, this building was remodeled to become the Westfield schoolhouse.”
The other error is under the Westfield School District #6. The following sentence needs to be deleted: “It was built in 1807 as the First Baptist Church of Westfield and then became the Westfield School.” This school was actually built on the site of the church which was previously moved to Truthville.
The town board had proposed adding a correction to each book yet to be sold. Joan said that we had all done our best on the information in the book and we should just let it lie and RIP. A motion to do nothing was made by Joan and seconded by Tony.
Interviews: Debbie Fifield asked to be put on the list for future senior interviews. Helen Denno should also be on that list.
Map: Dale said that a copy of a map of New Hampshire is going to be hung in the Washington County Historical Society’s building. This map goes to the Hudson River and it shows that Fort Ann was in New Hampshire!
Next Meeting: Monday, June 24, at 6:00 p.m.
Adjournment: At 7:20 p.m., Terry made a motion to adjourn and Tony seconded it.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Ouderkirk
P.S. Handyman Marty has been asked to put up Barbara’s flag bracket. He has also been asked to hang Fred Norton’s framed lumber company apron up in the kitchen. Thank you so much, Marty!