June 24, 2019
Attendees: Arlene Green, Maureen Barber, Tony Videtto, Barbara Eagle, Terry Barber, Tony Cantanucci, Christine Milligan, Joan Degener, Marty Burdick, Pat Cantanucci and Carolyn Ouderkirk
Welcome: Arlene welcomed the members, as well as guests Jodie Morris and Becky Parrott. Jodie was given some information on her house, which used to belong to the Owens family. She was also given Judy Fogg’s phone number since Judy grew up in that house.
Pledge to Flag
Secretary’s Report: Approved and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Maureen reported that we have $1,668.52 in the treasury. Payments were made to Steve Wade ($400.00) for the timeline and to Ken Steel ($2,020.00) for the concrete work. Motion made by Joan to accept the report and seconded by Barbara.
Charter: Arlene received the formal amendment to our charter. Barbara will slide it into the frame in the foyer. It is only an amendment to change our P.O. box so it shouldn’t be on top.
Signage: Becky Parrott, daughter of Virginia, the late Town of Fort Ann historian, pleaded her case for a sign from the Pomeroy Foundation. She cannot apply for the Pomeroy grant as an individual. She needs the historical society to act as a sponsor. She thought Terry would know how to apply since he worked on a grant for a canal sign. He advised that one needs dates and proof.
Becky said that she would do all of the legwork and paperwork but she needs our sponsorship. She would like the sign to be visible on Route 4 in the village. She added that her Dad will be 92 this week and she would like to get this project going.
Terry suggested that the placement of the sign shouldn’t be too far from Battle Hill. Arlene advised that the sign will need a concrete foundation. Becky will also have to make arrangements to install the sign.
The sign should have 4-5 lines. Becky suggested the following wording:
In Loving Memory of
Virginia Snody Parrott
Town of Fort Ann’s Longest-Serving Historian
1972 to 2018
Christine suggested adding “Instrumental in the Preservation of Battle Hill,” since the Pomeroy grant must be historically-based.
She also mentioned that she thought that Town Board member Sam Hall had said something about a sign for Virginia. She thought that Sam was going to present a sign at the Battle Hill parade. Christine will follow up with Sam.
Christine also brought up the planned bench, in Virginia’s memory, on a Battle Hill trail. This is not a historical society project; it falls under the trail system project.
The discussion continued after Becky left. It was noted that the town has done plaques for Virginia. Christine said that Aunt Virginia always wanted to be on Battle Hill. Maureen asked if the town shouldn’t be the entity to sponsor the grant. We will not be responsible for any expenses or charges. Terry made a motion to sponsor Becky in this endeavor. He thought that her Mom deserved to be properly recognized. He also thought the society should show future generations that, as members, we care. Barbara seconded the motion. Ayes carried the motion. Christine will call Becky and give her our decision.
Charles Wood Foundation Grant: Terry is waiting for two more estimates on the concrete floor for the library basement. Ken Steel’s estimate is $4,595.00. The other bidders are Dale Baldwin and Shane Fifield of Adirondack Concrete.
Battle Hill Parade: Christine advised that the parade will line up at 8:45 and step off at 9:00, on July 6. Jeff from Grumbellie’s is going to do the line-up. This may happen at the school unless the parking lot is under construction. In that case, Jeff will figure out another spot for the line-up. The reenactors will be in the village park for two hours. Christine added that they have no idea who is going to show up to be in the parade.
French & Indian War Reenactment: Christine said that Friday, July 26, is the day for the reenactors to set up camp. On Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and 28, the public will be allowed to go through the camp. There will be a battle on those two days at 1:00 p.m. The battles will take place behind the fire house on Route 149. The fire department will be selling food from 11:00 to 3:00 on those two days.
Christine will speak with Don Sexton about parking. Apparently the school has been told that the school buses can be parked at the rescue squad and the fire house while improvements are being made at the school.
Arlene made several calls about getting hats and mugs to sell at the reenactment. We have decided not to order more hats and mugs, due to the high cost. Dale and Coral can still sell the pins, the three hats and the two mugs, plus our books and the Fred Stiles’ books. Christine will find a place for Dale and Coral at the fire house starting on Saturday at 11:00 a.m. Update: The two mugs have been sold!
Gun Cabinets: Arlene will check with Craig about the two sets of keys we have, both labeled “Gun Case.”
Public Presentation: Arlene will check with Pete Bly next month about a program in the fall.
Book & Timeline Errors: Christine noticed that the date of the American Legion charter on the timeline is 1916. It should be 1926.
The kayaking couple’s blog that was sent to us by Gretchen Stark states that our book sometimes uses Wood Creek and Halfway Brook interchangeably. Wood Creek goes from the canal to the bridge across Route 4. Halfway Brook starts there and goes west.
Records: Christine was asked if she has the records from Virginia’s house since she is now the town historian. Apparently, the records are in bad shape, with some of them disintegrating. Christine plans to work on the files this summer.
Miscellaneous: Marty took a photo of a gravestone lying near a driveway in West Fort Ann (near Fire House Way and Grove Way). He will give the details to Christine to see who lives at the residence and to see where the stone belongs. It is dated in the 1880s.
Christine, Joan and others met with the lawyer in the Brown’s Cemetery case recently. Christine advised that they “got the road and he will have no access to the cemetery from his property.” Also, the fence is where the cemetery boundary was. Eight feet on the other side of the fence will be left undisturbed and belong to the town. The Hart property was given to the Town of Fort Ann to use for parking. There will be no construction or cutting of trees on the cemetery boundary line. Apparently, the people involved in the litigation must sign off on this agreement.
Dale Grinnell spoke with Arlene last week about a book on the cemeteries in Washington County, which is now available at a cost of $100.00. We will wait to hear the details from Dale. Joan said that she most often gets cemetery questions when she is working at the library. Terry mentioned a website called findagrave.com.
Arlene remembered that the Queen Anne Senior Citizens had given us a $25.00 check, after Virginia’s passing, in her memory. Does anyone have any ideas on a book? We will also check with the library committee for ideas.
Maureen advised that the Washington County Home for Aged Women’s grant is due on July 12. She wondered if anyone had any ideas of things that we might need or want.
Terry requested that we recognize both Arlene and Tony for being selected New York State Senior Citizens from Washington County.
Christine shared a booklet about Fort Ann that her daughter Kassie prepared for her masters’ thesis at the University of Albany. Christine will try to get a copy for the historical society.
Timeline: Thank you letters were sent to Steve Wade and his sons, Craig Wagner, Paul Winchell and the Highway Department (with a copy to Supervisor Moore) and the Fort Ann Rescue Squad.
Thank you to Terry for monitoring the sunlight’s effects.
Arlene will call Paul Winchell about getting rid of the pile of sod and dirt.
The cost of the timeline, for insurance purposes, is $2,603.00. The town has put the timeline on its policy.
The subject of bird droppings came up and Barbara said that she wipes it off with water and a cloth when she goes down that way. She volunteered to check on it regularly.
Arlene noticed that there is nothing on the timeline itself indicating that the historical society had anything to do with it. Tony C. suggested putting a brass plaque on one of the legs with the historical society and Lakes to Locks as the ones responsible. Maureen volunteered to look into getting a small plaque.
The dedication ceremony will be held at the pocket park on Monday, August 12, at 4:30 p.m. Good suggestion by Maureen to have the ceremony before a town board meeting! Arlene will check with the town board to see if that date is convenient. Update: Arlene spoke with Barb Winchell and the 12th is fine.
Arlene asked Tony C. to check out our microphone. If it is not loud enough, perhaps Barbara can borrow one from the Senior Citizens.
The invitees are as follows:
Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Assemblyman Dan Stec
Senator Betty Little
Elise Stefanik
Supervisor Richard Moore
Village Mayor Denis Langlois
Janet Kennedy, Executive Director, Lakes to Locks
Drew Alberti
Town Board Members
Village Board Members
Paul Winchell and the Highway Department
Steve Wade and Family
Chris Wagner
Ken Steel
Fort Ann Rescue Squad
Carolyn will do the invitation letters. Arlene would like to perhaps do a program, but we would need to know who is coming and who is going to speak. We could ask guests to call Arlene at 518-639-8882, if they are interested in saying a few words.
Maureen will write up articles for the Post-Star and the Chronicle, inviting people to attend.
Barbara and Maureen will take charge of the refreshments (lemonade and cookies). Joan suggested some sugar-free drinks too. Maureen and Terry will bring two folding tables. We can attach our banners to the tables. Barbara will bring her canopy. Terry will bring his antique car too.
Picnic: We will meet at the waterfront park on Wednesday, July 17, at 5:00 for a social half-hour. We will eat at 5:30.
Arlene – Ham and Paper Products
Carolyn – Broccoli Salad
Coral & Dale – Baked Beans
Barbara – Spinach Quiche
Joan – Pasta Salad
Christine – Deviled Eggs
Pat & Tony – Ring Salad and Brownies
Maureen & Terry – Dessert
Marty – Jello Salad
George – Soda
Next Meeting: Monday, July 22, at 6:00 p.m., at the library.
Adjournment: Terry made a motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Tony V. seconded it.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Ouderkirk