February 25, 2019

Attendees: Dale Grinnell, Coral Grinnell, Maureen Barber, Barbara Eagle, Carrie Marie Vaughn and Carolyn Ouderkirk

Treasurer’s Report: Maureen advised that we have $1,754.33 ($3,774.33 less $2020.00 grant funds).

Secretary’s Report: Accepted.

Grants: C.R. Wood: Maureen will check with Arlene to see what we are applying for. Perhaps the cemetery signs? We will ask Joan if she knows.

Historic Canal Marker Program: Terry sent an e-mail about the Pomeroy Foundation signage. Letter of Intent is due 4/17/19. Grant application is due on 5/15/19. No one volunteered to do this paperwork.

Work Day: March 19, 1:00 p.m., at the library.

Battle Hill: Dale thinks that there will be a reenactment this year. Some questioned whether or not there would be a parade. We will have to ask Christine.

FACS Interviews: Is the volume on the laptop loud enough or do we need to order external speakers? These should not be very expensive at all if we need them. No consensus.

Carolyn gave a sample invitation letter to Maureen, as well as blank postcards.

Maureen presented a list of names that she and Arlene had come up with and the members added to it: Bert Dinwiddie, John Strainer, Wray Jackson, Dave & Karen Campbell, Bill Lunt, Mary Ellen Griffin, Marie Godsil, Ray & Brenda Bennefield, Shirley Morris, Helen Denno, Jane Reynolds, Dennis Fletcher, Margaret Clark, Ruth & Andy Cartier, Duane Burch, Chuck & Cathy Graham, Mike & Dawn Johnson and Marcia Monahan. Maureen will be sending out invitation letters on March 2.

Podcast: Dale and Carrie Marie met this month at the library. Carrie Marie is now doing research and compiling information.

Miscellaneous: Fort Ann School Prom (Christine’s email): Carrie Marie will look for more information on this topic. Terry also emailed a suggestion to Carrie Marie and the members.

We need someone to check the binders downstairs and the folders in the file cabinet upstairs for pictures of the Rifle Club. Arlene is looking for them. The only one Carolyn found is the one in the book. Does anyone know of others?

Dale asked for a copy of the Ripley’s Believe It or Not article on the village forgetting to hold elections. Carolyn looked for it but could not find it. She will tell Dale and maybe he can look when he has time.

Barbara will be working on the Native American shadow box and more of the clothing shadow boxes.

Arlene had emailed a copy of what she thought was a posting for Drew’s job at Lakes to Locks. We are all in agreement. Carolyn checked Drew’s Facebook page and it says “Worked [past tense] at Lakes to Locks.”

We spoke about displaying quilts on garage sale day. If members have quilts, they can bring them in. Maureen has one, as does Barbara. We will also be selling our hats and mugs.

Dale brought up his love of research. It is one reason he joined the Washington County Historical Society. He is now in charge of a committee at the WCHS looking for research subjects. He would like to do the same with our society. Carolyn suggested that he come up with some ideas and we will put them in a hat and each person will choose one to present at the next meeting.

Barbara announced that Sandra Weber will be speaking on women’s suffrage at the senior citizen meeting on April 24. All are welcome to attend. She wondered if the society would buy her book for $35.00. Apparently it is a condition of her program. Actually, perhaps the Queen Anne Senior Citizens could buy it and donate it to the historical society?

Next Meeting: Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:00 p.m., at the library.

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Ouderkirk

A correction for the GRANTS section of 02/25/2019 FAHS meeting notes: The Pomeroy Foundation signage grants for our Region 5 have to be written in the months of August and/or September, and the deadline for applications is very early in October of 2019.

Apologies if anyone was misled by my email, as I believed that we could apply at anytime.

Terry Barber